Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Critical paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 3

Critical paper - Essay Example To become effective in asserting women’s rights movement, however, a collective effort must be done with the participation of various players in society at an international level. This necessitates a transnational women’s rights movement to make such effort effective where the issue of women’s rights is elevated at an international level discussed in the article of Friedman using education as one of its main vehicle. The Friedman article tackled the problem posed against the women’s rights movements and various efforts that were exerted in transnational arena that had substantial outcomes that positively impacted women’s rights movement. This is an important discussion considering the challenge faced by women’s right movement by a conservative countermovements such as opposing women’s greater participation in society. This article discussed the efforts of the NGO’s that helped advocate women’s equality, their approach in influencing policy direction and ultimately, to encourage engagement with women’s rights. The article is clearly organized into different sections that address different aspects. The first category analyzes the transnational social movement, it discusses the definition of a transnational women’s movement in contrast with a social movement. The inherent difference is then clearly conveyed and the reader is fully able to distinguish the meaning of transnational women’s movement. Transnational social movement is â€Å"sustained contentious interactions with opponents- national or non-national –by connected networks of challengers organized across national boundaries†. The difference therefore between a transnational movement and a social movement is the categorical basis. Friedman analyzes the progress of transnational women’s movement through four elements: political opportunity, structure, mobilizing structure, frames and action repertories. The conferences that

Monday, October 28, 2019

The Purpose Of Life Is A Life Of Purpose Essay Example for Free

The Purpose Of Life Is A Life Of Purpose Essay In each one of us, there burns a soul destined for greatness. In every generation, a few are chosen to proven†¦ and sometimes, it happened while others are in the bathroom. Life: No one knows where it will take us. Is it our own decisions that guide us or does fate play a big role in dictating the road that we travel? Which course we will be steering? What twists we must endure? One thing is for certain; there is no certainty. No wait too long and everything can change in an instant. In a flash, the things we hold so close can disappear. Vanished like a lost thought. Lifelong trust can turn on you. Blind faith can betray you†¦ and the future you foresaw, gone. Life should be seen as an eternal process of joyous spiritual discovery and growth: in the beginning stages of earthly life, the individual undergoes a period of training and education which, if it is successful, gives him or her the basic intellectual and spiritual tools necessary for continued growth. When individuals attain physical maturity in adulthood, they become responsible for their further progress, which now depends entirely on the efforts they themselves make. Through the daily struggles of material existence, people gradually deepen their understanding of the spiritual principles underlying reality, and this understanding enables them to relate more effectively to themselves, to others, and to God. After physical death, the individual continues to grow and develop in the spiritual world, which is greater than the physical world, just as the physical world is greater than the world we inhabit while in our mothers womb. This last statement is based on the Bahà ¡Ãƒ ­ concept of the soul and of life after physical death . According to the Bahà ¡Ãƒ ­ teachings, the true nature of human beings is spiritual. Beyond the physical body, each human being has a rational soul, created by God. This soul is a nonmaterial entity, which does not depend on the body. Rather, the body serves as its vehicle in the physical world. The soul of an individual comes into being at the moment the physical body is conceived and continues to exist after the death of the physical body. The soul (also called the spirit) of the individual is the seat or locus of his  or her personality, self, and consciousness. The evolution or development of the soul and its capacities is the basic purpose of human existence. This evolution is towards God and its motive force is knowledge of God and love for Him. As we learn about God, our love for Him increases; and this, in turn, enables us to attain a closer communion with our Creator. Also, as we draw closer to God, our character becomes more refined and our actions reflect more and more the attributes and qualities of God. A life of purpose Do something important with your life, make a difference or make some kind of impact on your world. I think its the kind of thing you have to define for yourself though. Were all here for a reason, decide what your reason is. Sometimes my life feels pointless and I truly want to give up, but I think about my closest friends and their futures. The thought of that makes me want to see them become successful and start families. I feel like were here to learn lessons and to see how much we can make a difference. But from social views, I feel like were only here to leave impressions and to try to hold on to temporary fame and fortune forever. We are here on Earth because our souls have chosen to be born again from Heaven with a hope and free will to resist the evil temptation and ultimately enter the Kingdom of God from the 7 Churches/House of Righteousness of Jesus in Heaven. Life wouldnt exist without a purpose. Learning and passing on information to the next generation to make life easier is definitely one purpose. People will always argue about any other reason. i feel the purpose of life is to find God and i also believe that each moment of our life can be made enjoyable if we believe in God,some people say that they donot want to live,being fearful of God all the time.but the fact is u neednot fear anything else if u fear God,u r not afraid of darkness,nor of thunder lightning,not even Death,bcos u know that u are returning to God after life has been taken away from you.but God also created us so that  we can love Him and place our Fears and Hopes in Him.a person who firmly believes in God never doubts his existence,but,at some point or the other,the atheist calls outGod,if You Really are there,Please Help Me out. well,each person has his own each member of the family has different tastes and each person believes God in differently,its up to each of us to search till our Hearts find Rest,but the ultimate aim is always,Happiness Rather than having an aimless day-to-day existence, those who are truly successful find meaning and purpose in life. Their life is not founded on the unstable conditions of this system of things. Their goals lead to real and lasting satisfaction, as they are centered on the very purpose of life. What gives one purpose in life? â€Å"Fear the true God and keep his commandments. For this is the whole obligation of man.†Ã¢â‚¬â€Ecclesiastes 12:13. Hope: Having God as our Friend also gives us hope for the future. The apostle Paul urged Christians â€Å"to rest their hope, not on uncertain riches, but on God.† In this way, they would be â€Å"safely treasuring up for themselves a fine foundation for the future, in order that they may get a firm hold on the real life.† (1 Timothy 6:17-19) To have true purpose in life is to have a reason for living, a clear objective, and a focal point for our efforts. The fact that we are endowed with intelligence, conscience, and the ability to reason implies that the Creator had a good purpose in putting us here. Logically, therefore, we can find and fulfill our true purpose only by living in harmony with the Creator’s purpose. Making a difference, doing something of value, and having a purpose in life. They all stem from a common human need that doesnt disappear with age. However, the perception that youre making a difference may well decline sharply after the end of a career, and the close of a professional life with decades of rich experiences and relationships. And as we get older, our self-perceived worth can take another hit if people have trouble looking beyond our age when they interact with us. All too often, older people arent valued for what they can offer, and often arent even expected to participate in activities. Your intentions determine your actions, your actions inturn determine the road you take. Keep your actions constructive, long-term oriented, for the welfare of not only you but even others around and each will be a building block to another which in turn will automatically pave the path you take. Keep ambitions high yet actionable and within reach! One does not need to be on a constant hunt to determine the purpose of life, you are born and so there is a purpose decided by default. Just be open-minded, open to giving sharing, free learner and the purpose will come to you. As your life purpose and intentions become clearer, your life is bound to move more powerfully in the direction you want it to go. And you will be the master craftsmen of your own destiny. Every individual is born with purpose. If you see yourself that your presence on the planet is for the divine cause, it means that. The menifestation of your presence for the divine cause should be left to the universe. Let universe handle of journey on the planet. But believe me if you are born for divine cause you will mark the difference thats for sure. I have always heard that not having a purpose in life can make your existence confused and empty. After all, aren’t we all supposed to have one big goal, to focus on it our whole life so as to achieve it, and to try to make the world better? Well, that was my way of thinking when I was a little girl, and to be honest, my only aim at that time was to become a pink Power Ranger. Even though my purpose was to make the world a better place, I soon realized that it was going to be difficult to achieve, so I tried some years later to create a purpose for my life. Meanwhile, I just started living, in this huge, strange world full of issues but peopled of many different strangers who are all trying to feel fulfilled by their way of living and to leave a mark on the world in their own way. I discovered that for some people, living was in itself a challenge, as waking up and feeling good was for others. Also, even if I’m sure that the common first answer to the question â€Å"What’s your purpose in life?† is â€Å"to become rich,† I know that  some people really want to make a change and face challenges, while others just want to get busy and to play the game. So can’t we say that the purpose of life is not a life of one purpose but a life of many purposes? Maybe focusing on only one purpose is not the right way to avoid emptiness in life; you also need to focus on your motivation and your potential and how much you utilize it. The word â€Å"purpose† can have many different meanings and all of them are the pieces of the same puzzle. Of course, knowing what we want is essential so as to be on the path that best suits us, and staying motivated and positive along the way is absolutely essential when facing obstacles and difficulties. We all have been confronted by some problems that at first seemed to be impossible to resolve but we eventually overcame and led us to find the unexpected opportunities for which we have been waiting. To quote Charles De Lint, â€Å"the roads leading to goals do not separate you from the destination; it is essentially a part of it.† It seems that it is on these routes that we find the pleasure and the fun of all the journeys which can be really worth it. As for me, I still want to improve the world and I’m still wondering how, but at worst I can always cling on to my Power Ranger idea. So if you are still on the road, too, dream big, travel your own path, and stay open to the unexpected.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Reflective Practice Audit Essays -- Economics

Reflective Practice Audit Introduction Within this audit I am going to be talking about the methods of learning and how they can be assessed. I will be showing the skills and experiences of which I have, how they have been developed and a SWOT analysis to evaluate myself. Then I will have expanded on the findings of my skills and experiences, with the final point that I will then be constructing a table showing my short and long-term targets to develop skills and learning styles. Then I will have a final inclusion of my bibliography and references by using the Harvard referencing style. Methods From my research I have found out that there are four main learning styles of which I have explained below: - Pragmatist With a pragmatist they like using new ideas, theories and techniques to find out how they perform. They like applying sensible solutions to problems, and they are usually willing to recognise that there is more than likely a more effective method of performance and it is worthwhile. Reflective The reflective learners are cautious and they like to think about experiences and view them in many different ways to help them come to a conclusion. When doing this they collect and collate information to reach a conclusion. Theorist Perfectionists are what theorist learners are known to be as they prefer to observe, while analysing and solving problems logically. This type of learners use structures that help information make sense to them, as they only want to go by theories, not lateral opinions. Activist People who classify under this style are ready for new experiences, as they are open-minded and enthusiastic. They like new challenges and can’t wait for a new exper... ... of information and view the whole picture. Recommendation For this I have constructed a table to show aims that I need to meet in the future, as recommendations of my learning: - Short-term targets Use my time effectively by performing work for assignments on a daily basis, and consistently analysing my work to improve the standards/grammar of work to help me deadlines. Preparing for presentations, performing them effectively to increase my confidence and help me be able to answer questions to a certain extent. Long-term targets Improve my interaction with people to help me present data to a large range of aged people. Learn about more accounting related information such as the law, and gain more highly skilled accounting qualifications. Maintain a high level of attendance of which is above 80% over the year and be highly punctual.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Biographical Narrative Essay

â€Å"Work isn’t to make money, you work to justify life†-Marc Chagall When I was younger, everything was handed to me. Well, not everything but most of what I wanted or thought I needed like new clothes, toys, the latest electronics things that cost money. When the economy started to crash thing had to change around my house. My mother lost her job and my dad’s pay was cut short plus on top of that he was sick for 8 months with a type of liver disease. We had to cut down on how much money we spent especially on the wants compared to our needs.With our financial struggle I had to learn how to live with the things that I already had and not want what other people had. Having my first job as a snow cone maker I also had to learn that you have to work for the things you want in life. Nothing in life is just handed to you, you have to earn it. My parents always reminded us that we had it better than others which helped me appreciate the things I had a little more. Wh en I got my first job I started to appreciate the money that was spent on me because I knew what hard work it took to earn it.I started working at age 15 for a kettle corn and snow cone vendor called Hunsaker Bros Kettle Corn. I can remember my first day at work, shaking nerves up and down my spine, thinking of smart word that I can put in my sentences when I talk to my first costumer. All I wanted to do was to please my boss and be the best worker I can be. By working hard, I learned that it takes great responsibility to maintain a good work ethic. Learning these responsibilities and good work ethics I have managed to provide for myself.I now know how to pay bills, separate necessities with desires and manage my funds. Before, when my parents would always pay my Iphone bill and complain to me that it is too expensive, my response was always â€Å"Well, if you can pay for a brand new refrigerator we can pay for my I phone! It’s something that we ‘have’ to pay fo r†. Having a job has given me a different perspective on what money is spent on. I never thought how much money is wasted on things that don’t even matter in life. In life, we get side tracked on useless material objects.It is very controversial on what we believe are wants versus our needs. I remember going school shopping for clothes and I asked my mom for a pair of rock revival jeans. In my mind it was a necessity, it was a piece of clothing that I â€Å"needed† to make me cool and dress like everyone else. But in reality, it was a pair of jeans that was more for luxury and high price which I ended up getting four pairs of off brand jeans for the price of one. I now understand why my mom managed to spend money on my sibling and I so wisely.Each penny that was spent on us was worked hard for and then given to us. I have learned from my parents that if I want something in life, the only way to accomplish it is to work hard, and then I will deserve it. Earning my own money at a young age has impacted my life as I enter adulthood by giving me goals that I want to accomplish later in life and setting morals and responsibilities. I also realized that life isn’t about living for making money or how much money you make but what you have to leave behind as a person. Nothing in life is given for free you have to work hard and earn it.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Brief Account of the Devastation of the Indies Essay

Based off of this reading, it can be assumed that the conditions in the Indies during the time this text was written were not humane whatsoever. The actions of the Spaniards were very much barbaric, and completely contradict the religion which the Spaniards were trying so desperately to impose upon the natives of the Indies. Without having to go into detail, it is said by Bartoleme in the letter that the Spaniards would treat the people of the Indies as wild beasts, cattle, or animals. But he then goes back on this statement saying that in fact they treated them less than livestock, because they at least took care of the livestock. This is a good example of how barbarically the Spaniards ruled over the Natives. There was no respect for the Natives, even though they were described as peaceful, passive, kind, and as overall decent human beings. Yet in the eyes of the Spaniards, the same people were seen as barbarians and savages. What makes the situation even more disturbing is that the Spaniards used the name of god to justify their ruthless actions. They saw it as their divine right to take over the Natives. Fortunately, there were people like Bartoleme that spoke out against these cruel acts. He wrote the letter describing all the acts of inhumanity towards the Natives to the King and Queen of Spain in order to create rules and regulations that would regulate the actions of the Spaniards in the Indies. This alone was a substantial act of humanity. The only ironical part is that he suggests that the Spanish use African people instead of using the Natives of the Indies for labor. Unfortunately at the time, there were still mass amounts of racism, even amongst the most noble of men. Men such as Bartoleme who spoke out against cruel acts were still subject to their own racist antics. Although this wasn’t very out-of-the-ordinary at the time, in today’s world it’s despicable nonetheless. It’s a very hypocritical suggestion that he had for the King and Queen, and for that, would lose all credit for anything positive that happened to the Natives after his ideas were reinforced.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Othello Swan Song Essays

Othello Swan Song Essays Othello Swan Song Essay Othello Swan Song Essay In William Shakespeare’s The Tragedy of Othello, the Moor of Venice he presents his character of Othello as having all the great qualities of a true leader, but also a man who lacks any type of reasoning power. Othello being the ideal hero has strength, prowess, and battlefield knowledge. However these ideas of leadership do not translate well into situations in the real world and in this case, situations dealing with the heart. The battlefield and senate are where Othello feel most comfortable. They are places of truth where men go to be honest about matters of war. As well, these matters of war and state are relatively simple and are subjects in which Othello can relate. This simple view that Othello has, does not bode well for him on the subject of true love and passion. His marriage is one based on stories and he never really examines who his true friends are. In Othello’s mind he is loved by everyone he knows. This examination of Othello’s character would show that he means well and leads even better, but he lacks judgment skills and common sense. This is most evident in his final speech before he commits suicide, where even though his end is proper, he never fully realizes what he has done, or takes responsibility for what has just happened. It is clear that Othello loves Desdemona, and the quote â€Å"One who loved not wisely, but too well† (Shakespeare V. ii. 353) is directed mainly at her. When he does come to realize the truth behind Desdemona’s innocence, Othello is legitimately tortured. â€Å"This look of thine will hurl my soul from heaven / And friends will snatch at it† (V. ii. 283-284) It is obvious that he tormented by the fact that he has just killed his wife. It is now for the first time seen that maybe Othello is at a loss of what to do with his power â€Å"Do you go back to dismayed? Tis a lost fear: / Man but a rush against Othello’s breast, / And he retires. † (V. ii. 279-280) This is not Othello’s usual hard grit style, but this is how the way a man of nobility should react when he has mistakenly taken the life of his wife. Yet Othello’s words in his speech give a deeper thought into how he still doesn’t seen to fully understand the situation. â€Å"Who can control his fate? † (V. ii. 274) he asked, which shows he is not taking full responsibility, placing the responsibility on the heavens. It is beyond a doubt that Othello is in fact the one to blame, though he still cannot recognize his failure at reasoning. Though the final words of Othello are excellent, they like Othello himself, are flawed. Every sentence seems to reveal a character flaw or personal problem. When he says he â€Å"loved not wisely, but too well† this is also true in terms of Iago. Othello’s marriage is based solely on stories and on pity. Othello objectifies his wife and shows no trust in her. It is debatable whether Othello is gullible, but he does buy Iago’s deceitful tale of Cassio’s affair. This is where the quote comes into play. Until Iago, Othello was never betrayed by anyone. He puts so much love and trust into Iago that he is blinded by his cunning ways. In his final moment Othello truly believed that he was being possessed and blames his hand for the sin he commits â€Å"of one whos hand, / threw a pearl away. † (V. ii. 255-256) He still does not see that his faults were exploited by Iago and used against him. Although killing himself could be seen as a dignified action, Othello truly thinks that he was forced to do this action by some unseen evil, not by his trustworthy ally Iago. It is not until Iago’s plan came to light by Emilia that Othello realized Iago is truly evil, but still holds on to the idea that a noble man such as he must have been possessed by demons to do such an evil crime. It is almost as though at this point Othello cannot believe that he is capable of such a deed. So if one were to go deeper, it could be seen that Othello in a certain way is guilty of loving himself too well. He is recognized as having such a high reputation as a military leader, which is supported by the fact that he never in the play shows off his fighting skills, but no one objects to him being a qualified general. Therefore he must have the qualities needed to reach such a rank. He speaks well, and is widely respected. However these skills as a general only cause problems in his life as a civilian. Othello has it in his head that he is such a noble man, (because up until this point he has had no reason to think other wise) that when his nobility is put in jeopardy, he does not put the responsibly on himself but on outside forces that are out of his control. It is possible to observe Othello as a good, kindhearted man who is never betrayed until he is by Iago. He is a strong soldier who falls from glory only because Iago is so cunning and so evil. In Jeff Statts character review of Othello he defines â€Å"tragic† as â€Å"something very unfortunate, even or person not likely to win love of the surrounding world†(Statts) It is as well possible to say that maybe Othello does not die as a tragic hero, but as someone who is destroyed by evil. But the fact that his marriage could be seen as shallow and that if Othello had only been honest with his wife and his lieutenant then he would have found the truth himself. Jeff Statts article says it quite nicely, â€Å"The combination of blind love to his wife without rational thinking is the main problem that will lead our hero to his tragic ending. † (Statts) Othello could lead, but when it comes to reasoning, he cannot. Shakespeare, William. The Tragedy of Othello, the Moor of Venice. Literature A Pocket Anthology. Ed. R. S. Gwynn, Wanda Campbell. Toronto, Ontario: Pearson Longman, 2005. Print. Statts, Jeff. Character Review. 1888articles (2007): n. pag. Web. Dec 2010. lt; 1888articles. com/character-review-othello-0152t57ezz2. htmlgt;. Bibliography Shakespeare, William. The Tragedy of Othello, the Moor of Venice. Literature A Pocket Anthology. Ed. R. S. Gwynn, Wanda Campbell. Toronto, Ontario: Pearson Longman, 2005. Print. Christie, M. J. Othello: Notes Toronto: Coles 1976. Print Crowther, John, ed. â€Å"No Fear Othello. † SparkNotes. com. SparkNotes LLC. 2005. Web. 15 Nov. 2010. Hunter, Britany. O Proves to Have Long Shelf Life. Carillion 44. 5 (2001): n. pag. Web. 1 Dec 2010. lt; carillon. uregina. ca/01. 09. 13/o. htmlgt;. Othello is a play that has been studied quite thoroughly. It is hard now a days to understand Shakespeare’s English because it is almost an entirely differ ent language then what we speak today. I defiantly believe the most useful source when studying Shakespeare is Spark Notes. This gives you an accurate translation into modern day English and can help those who are lost understand the magic of Shakespeare’s plays

Monday, October 21, 2019

Yukio Mishima essays

Yukio Mishima essays I read a novella with a collection of three stories by Yukio Mishima. The first story was called The Sailor Who Fell From Grace With The Sea, the second was called The Temple of the Golden Pavilion, and the third was Confessions of a Mask. I would enjoy talking about each of these books individually, however I have far too little room for discussions of a such a great feat of writing. Instead I will point out the under lying themes that manifest themselves in each story very clearly. The most prominent and head motif was of the hero myth. Every culture honors a form of hero, and although not many realize that heroes are not always people hero myths often fall onto the shoulders of leaders who focus the same kind of energy. Each story has a hero character. Even thought they have done heroic things it shows a sad side to being a hero. It also tells us that heroes to some are villains to others. In Donald Duck, he is looking for a true hero, a north star to follow to the promised land of his own culture where he can be proud of being Chinese. The important thing is he found it, but not in one person, in everyone. As I pointed out before sometimes heroes are not people. Like the mandate of heaven, thats not really a hero, or is it? It focused the heroic qualities onto one person, a leader. Although each Empire rose and fell it shows that they were popular with the people. And to the people they were heroes. Just like Donald, he found his hero in the community. Eac h hero in Yukios book meets a grotesque fate, or has an impassable quirk that only lets his heroic qualities shine on very few. Frederick Douglass was his own hero, and he knew that and he exploited it. Ultima had many heroic leadership qualities. Even Tenorio, the one who whooped a bunch of men into killing Ultima, he was able to do it which must say something, even if he is an anti-hero. ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Preparing Your Family History Book for Publication

Preparing Your Family History Book for Publication After years of carefully researching and assembling a family history, many genealogists find that they want to make their work available to others. Family history means a lot more when its shared. Whether you want to print a few copies for family members or sell your book to the public-at-large, todays technology makes self-publishing a fairly easy process. How Much Will It Cost? To estimate publishing costs, you will need to consult with local quick-copy centers or book printers. Obtain bids for the publishing job from at least three companies since prices vary greatly. Before you can ask a printer to bid on your project, however, you need to know three vital facts about your manuscript: Exactly how many pages are in your manuscript. You should take the finished manuscript with you, including mock-ups of picture pages, introductory pages, and appendixes.Approximately how many books you want to be printed. If you want to print under 200 copies, expect most book publishers to turn you down and send you to a quick-copy center. Most commercial printers prefer a run of at least 500 books. There are a few short-run and print-on-demand publishers who specialize in family histories, however, who are able to print in quantities as small as a single book.What kind of book features you want. Think about the paper type/quality, print size and style, number of photos, and binding. All of these will factor into the cost of printing your book. Spend some time browsing through family histories at the library to get some ideas on what you want before heading to the printers. Design Considerations LayoutThe layout should be appealing to the readers eye. For example, small print across the entire width of a page is too hard for the normal eye to read comfortably. Use a larger typeface and normal margin widths, or prepare your final text in two columns. You can align your text on both sides (justify) or only on the left side as in this book. The title page and table of contents are always on the right-hand page - never on the left. In most professional books, chapters also start on the right page. Printing Tip: Use high-quality 60 lb. acid-paper paper for copying or printing your family history book. Standard paper will discolor and become brittle within fifty years, and 20 lb. paper is too thin to print on both sides of the page. No matter how you space the text on the page, if you plan to do double-sided copying, be sure that the binding edge on each page is 1/4 inch wider than the outside edge. That means the left margin of the front of the page will be indented 1/4 extra, and the text on its flip side will have that extra indentation from the right margin. That way, when you hold the page up to the light, the blocks of text on both sides of the page match up with one another. PhotographsBe generous with photographs. People usually look at photographs in books before they read a word. Black-and-white pictures copy better than color ones and are a lot cheaper to copy as well. Photographs can be scattered throughout the text, or put in a picture section in the middle or back of the book. If scattered, however, photos should be used to illustrate the narration, not detract from it. Too many photos scattered haphazardly through the text can distract your readers, causing them to lose interest in the narration. If youre creating a digital version of your manuscript, be sure to scan the pictures at least at 300 dpi. Balance your selection of pictures to give equitable coverage to each family. Also, be sure you include short but adequate captions that identify each picture - people, place, and approximate date. If you don’t have the software, skills, or interest in doing it yourself, printers can scan your photos into digital format, and enlarge, reduce, and crop them to fit your layout. If you have a lot of pictures, this will add quite a bit to the cost of your book. Binding Options Printing or Publishing the Book Some publishers will print hard-bound family histories with no minimum order, but this usually increases the price per book. The advantage to this option is that family members can order their own copies when they wish, and you arent faced with purchasing books and storing them yourself.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

It is essay about an event i have visited ( you have to chose the

It is about an event i have visited ( you have to chose the right topic for it - Essay Example The Ham was in the form of a long gown, a collar, and a wraps the right lapel over the left. During lunch hour, we ate delicious triangle shaped rice dumplings made from rice with fillings of nuts, dates, and beans. The staple food for Chinese is rice that helps in the economic growth of the society. I could not help but notice the American culture. The clothing style depends on the status an individual has in the society, occupation, climate, and religion. One of my American friend mentioned that their fashion is greatly influenced by the media and celebrities. She was dressed in cowboy hats and boots and a pair of jeans made her look fabulous. The Americans mostly eat junk food like the hamburgers, hotdogs, cheese, macaroni, and potato chips. In addition, they also eat dried meat as snacks. The amazing European food was distinct from the other foods. I was lucky to taste the Gelato that was sweet and tasty. The Europeans argued that the Gelato was different from ice cream. The gelato has more sugar, softer and creamier compared to ice cream. The European foods have different categories ranging from cereals, meat, fats, and sugar. The Europeans wear upscale and classy clothes. Their fashion entails clean and elegant simple lines that perfectly fit. They prefer wearing different set of colors in different seasons. I was able to interact with the African students and their foods and attire were completely different from the others. Their foods are rich in fiber and often organic. The most interesting meal was the ugali. It is prepared by mixing water and corn to form stiff porridge. It is served with stew and vegetables. Most of the African countries weave clothes from cotton that is grown locally. They also use the dyeing techniques like tie and die. Most of these clothes have a head wrap that is tied around the head and matches the African attire. The Indian Sari is the most common dress in India. Their way of dressing is marked with religion and

Friday, October 18, 2019

Conference narrative Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Conference narrative - Essay Example Overall; the point is about how consuming would influence learning. Primarily, we went to the UW library to listen to a presentation, which gave us the method about getting resources. The primary objective is to find two-scholar resources about how caffeine and milk would influence learning. In the beginning, I thought it was easy. However, the scholar articles are too long to read, and more, it is hard to know the evidences they have given. I used the Wikipedia a lot in to help understand the concept. However, with time, I came to understand all these articles, and I was ready to discuss all the details to my classmates on Monday. On September 8, I primarily talked about how the caffeine and milk would affect learning. Caffeine would help damage, diminish and obstructs the minds of receptors on our cerebrum. This would support the cerebrum movement. Subsequently, understudies as well as students could remember stuffs quickly. In any case, the research demonstrates that individuals should not drink caffeine, or other beverages containing caffeine when they are sick, because it may cause various therapeutic complications. In addition, the aspect of Milk and its use was the subject as I shared with the members of the group. At the end of the class, I discover one thing intriguing is that, individuals just thought about their part and would disregard others work, even we were in the same group. During the presentation based on my views, my group points out that I need to speak more about how caffeine and milk would influence learning instead of saying something about how it affects ones health. From this perception, I realized that as the only international students in our group, the language barrier was an issue and would be a huge problem since my native language was Chinese. Had no option but to try my level best as far my topic was of concern. Therefore, had to make a plan on

Why I want to be a Medical Assistant Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Why I want to be a Medical Assistant - Essay Example One of the major problems in the healthcare industry is the shortage of manpower. At the same time, the number of patients who take shelter in hospitals because of chronic diseases is growing day by day. There are three major reasons which motivated me to select the career in the field of medical assistants: American patients are facing difficulties in communicating properly with foreign hospital staffs, America is losing huge amounts because of outsourcing of clerical and administrative hospital jobs to foreign countries and Medical assistant profession is highly secure and decently paid profession. Most of the people working in American health sector are foreigners. Because of the shortage of Americans in the healthcare industry, patients are facing problems in communicating effectively with the foreigners. It is difficult for an American to communicate effectively with a foreigner, even if the foreigner has some knowledge in English.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Role of Registered Nurse in Hospice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Role of Registered Nurse in Hospice - Essay Example Their goal is to reduce suffering, control symptoms and restore functional capacity of patients suffering from incurable, progressive illnesses. A RN in a hospice setting has to fill several roles from medication and supervision to emotional support. They also have to be extremely sensitive to the patient’s personal, cultural and religious values, beliefs and practices. Patients in hospice care are not on any type of life-prolonging medical treatment (Hussain, 2011). Instead, they are put on pain management and other comfort measures to assist them in the dying process (Hussain, 2011). Since it is not easy to care for patients with terminal illnesses, the role of a Registered Nurse is pivotal in ensuring that the patients and their families have a supportive and caring environment. A Registered Nurse in hospice care is required to perform a variety of roles as listed below: Case Manager As a case manager, the RN is responsible for assessing and managing the patient’s ca re. Each patient is assigned one case manager so that they can build a trusting relationship and ensure continuity of care. The RN is also the eyes and ears of the hospice physician and, therefore, must have expert assessment skills. As part of their role, the RN monitors the vital signs, manage medications, especially pain medications and take care of the overall needs of the patient (Morrow, 2009). They are required to assess pain, symptoms, nutritional status, bowel functions, safety, and psychosocial-spiritual concerns of the patient and the family (Knight & Gunten, 2004). The RN also plays a major role in educating the family about the disease progression, use of medications, daily care needs and other aspects of the overall plan of care (Knight & Gunten, 2004). If a patient has a food craving late at night, the RN will also arrange for someone to get it from the store (Morrow, 2009). If the patient is at home, the nurse may also help the family members in doing some of the hou sehold chores, so that the family can focus on their loved one. In a hospice setting, the RN has the unique opportunity to witness a patient’s last moments and therefore, they must be extremely compassionate and empathetic. They serve as advocates for the patient, ensuring that all activities work towards the benefit of the patient. They should also be a critical thinker so as to ensure that the entire stay of the patient in the hospice facility is supportive and caring. The RN is also required to educate and supervise the nursing assistants to coordinate care for the patient. Intake and Admission Nurse As an intake and admissions nurse, the RN is often the first hospice personnel to meet the patient. They meet with the patient and their family and spend a considerable amount of time with them explaining the philosophy of hospice and developing an appropriate plan of care (Morrow, 2009). The RN is also responsible for conducting a complete assessment of the patient and determ ining the needs and preparedness of the patient to stay in a hospice setting (Morrow, 2009). They then consult with the hospice physician before admitting a patient into the facility. Once the patient is admitted, the RN orders the required medications and equipment and begins educating the patient and the family about hospice care. Triage Nurse As a triage nurse, the RN

Free Economic Zones in Transition Economies and Its Impact of Economic Essay

Free Economic Zones in Transition Economies and Its Impact of Economic Development of a Country - Essay Example e areas of a certain national economy where the government has put up a special system of opportunities and benefits that are not available to other areas of the country.3 These zones are also referred to as â€Å"islands† or â€Å"windows† wherein foreign investments and technologies are presented to a country. They are an example of an â€Å"open door† policy.4 Another definition of FEZ presents it as a part of a country’s territory wherein goods are being looked at as something that does not fit the limits of national customs territory; thus, they are not under common customs control and taxation, according to the Kyoto Convention. Hence, products being entered through the FEZs are not subjected to any trade barriers. The Ministry of Finance and Economy of Korea also gave their own definition, stating that FEZs are self-sufficient areas that provide wide-ranging services.5 Consequently, the Free Economic Zone Law defined FEZ with Article 23 as â€Å"th e zone, which is developed with the aim of improving the business environment for foreign-invested enterprises and the living conditions for foreigners†. Thus, an FEZ is a special area where exceptional measures are practiced. Moreover, it is a specific area which offers an optimal business and living environment to foreign investors and enterprises in order to draw high-end foreign industries and global services.6 FEZs are similarly known as free zone (FZ), free port (FP), customs free zone (CFZ), EPZ, foreign trade zone, free production zone (FPZ), FTZ, industrial free zone, tax free zone, customs free airport and foreign access zone.7 FEZs are also areas characterized as a part of a national economic area rather than a geographic territory where preferential economic conditions are being imposed with respect to entrepreneurs.8 Thus, others regard FEZs as a means of selective reduction of the state’s power to interrupt with economic processes. FEZs are referred to as devices that are capable of

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Role of Registered Nurse in Hospice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Role of Registered Nurse in Hospice - Essay Example Their goal is to reduce suffering, control symptoms and restore functional capacity of patients suffering from incurable, progressive illnesses. A RN in a hospice setting has to fill several roles from medication and supervision to emotional support. They also have to be extremely sensitive to the patient’s personal, cultural and religious values, beliefs and practices. Patients in hospice care are not on any type of life-prolonging medical treatment (Hussain, 2011). Instead, they are put on pain management and other comfort measures to assist them in the dying process (Hussain, 2011). Since it is not easy to care for patients with terminal illnesses, the role of a Registered Nurse is pivotal in ensuring that the patients and their families have a supportive and caring environment. A Registered Nurse in hospice care is required to perform a variety of roles as listed below: Case Manager As a case manager, the RN is responsible for assessing and managing the patient’s ca re. Each patient is assigned one case manager so that they can build a trusting relationship and ensure continuity of care. The RN is also the eyes and ears of the hospice physician and, therefore, must have expert assessment skills. As part of their role, the RN monitors the vital signs, manage medications, especially pain medications and take care of the overall needs of the patient (Morrow, 2009). They are required to assess pain, symptoms, nutritional status, bowel functions, safety, and psychosocial-spiritual concerns of the patient and the family (Knight & Gunten, 2004). The RN also plays a major role in educating the family about the disease progression, use of medications, daily care needs and other aspects of the overall plan of care (Knight & Gunten, 2004). If a patient has a food craving late at night, the RN will also arrange for someone to get it from the store (Morrow, 2009). If the patient is at home, the nurse may also help the family members in doing some of the hou sehold chores, so that the family can focus on their loved one. In a hospice setting, the RN has the unique opportunity to witness a patient’s last moments and therefore, they must be extremely compassionate and empathetic. They serve as advocates for the patient, ensuring that all activities work towards the benefit of the patient. They should also be a critical thinker so as to ensure that the entire stay of the patient in the hospice facility is supportive and caring. The RN is also required to educate and supervise the nursing assistants to coordinate care for the patient. Intake and Admission Nurse As an intake and admissions nurse, the RN is often the first hospice personnel to meet the patient. They meet with the patient and their family and spend a considerable amount of time with them explaining the philosophy of hospice and developing an appropriate plan of care (Morrow, 2009). The RN is also responsible for conducting a complete assessment of the patient and determ ining the needs and preparedness of the patient to stay in a hospice setting (Morrow, 2009). They then consult with the hospice physician before admitting a patient into the facility. Once the patient is admitted, the RN orders the required medications and equipment and begins educating the patient and the family about hospice care. Triage Nurse As a triage nurse, the RN

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Chinese economy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Chinese economy - Essay Example China was forced to open coastal ports resulting in a steady flow of trade between the West and the East. According to Rit Nosotro, â€Å"Although the Europeans introduced railroads, highways, and started some industrial activity, the overall effect on China’s economy overall was negligible since it did not involve the hundreds of millions of peasants deep in the interior†. During the early and mid Qing period there was a considerable rise in Chinas population. But since there was no substantial industrial development China could not utilize the excessive manpower nor raise the standard of living. The economic condition of the government was poor since the dynasty could not collect enough taxes from a poor society. Also there was serious corruption as the government ate away a large part of the taxes collected. The powerful landlords evaded government taxes. All this led to a huge tax burden on the peasants. When these oppressed peasants rebelled (Taiping rebellion) the dynasty had to spend more money to control this rebellion thus making the financial conditions even worse. From the mid-19th century onwards political decentralization made collection of taxes more difficult.. Administrative inefficiency led to inefficient financial management. Also the unequal treatises prevented China from raising tariffs on foreign trade to pay off deficits and the government had to take huge foreign loans. To overcome the money problem, government increased domestic taxes causing more rebellions. Also there was an unfavorable balance of trade which reduced the value of the countrys currency thereby reducing the governments income. The wars that China fought with the foreign powers and the resultant war indemnities China had to pay in 1842, 1860, 1896 and 1900 also dented the economy. Finally in 1911 the Qing dynasty was overthrown. In a planned economy or direct economy the state manages the economy.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Definition of Good and Evil Essay Example for Free

Definition of Good and Evil Essay The nature of good and evil one of humanities never ending conflicts since the beginning of time. For instance in the novella Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad explores the issues surrounding imperialism, and centers Marlow the main character. The conflict between good and evil is particularly evident throughout the story. In following the novella you begin analyzing and thinking theories for instance: people are inherently evil and its expressed in varieties of forms, or people are inherently good, but become corrupted by society and other outside forces. In my perspective Im in position of people are inherently good, but become corrupted by society and other outside forces I do believe theyre people who are inherently good but influenced negatively by society and endure on evil. I stand on this position because in Heart of Darkness Marlow expresses The word ? ivory rang in the air, was whispered, was sighed. You would think they were praying to it. A taint of imbecile rapacity blew through it all, like a whiff from some corpse. By Jove! Ive never seen anything so unreal in my life. And outside, the silent wilderness surrounding this cleared speck on the earth struck me as something great and invincible, like evil or truth, waiting patiently for the passing away of this fantastic invasion. (Conrad 368) This quote Marlow clarifies that hes in this situation because of the white mans pursuit for ivory which caused death and greed; in which it proves the point of good people influenced by evil forces. Another example of this is in Part III in Heart of Darkness when Marlow and Kurtz finally meet each other through the steamships departure from the Inner Station. Here Marlow describes his developing relationship with Kurtz in terms of intimacy and betrayal. Marlow also indicates that the Africa natives are responsible for Kurtzs current condition of evilness and cruelty. Finally in the end after Kurtz dies his last words were the horror, the horror I believe Kurtz is referring to the darkness in his heart or emptiness, also being a failure of his destiny. Chinua Achebe feels differently about the novella Heart of Darkness mainly because its concept of evil. She expresses that The Heart of Darkness projects the image of Africa as the other world, the antithesis of Europe and therefore of civilization, a place where a mans vaunted intelligence and refinement are finally mocked by triumphant bestiality in other words evil. Achebe also disliked the fact how the African natives were perceived as ignorant and simply just faded into the background. Achebe concluded by stating realized that no easy optimism was possible. And there is something totally wrong in offering bribes to the West in return for its good opinion of Africa. In conclusion Africa was where colonist evil dwelled in Heart of Darkness. Evil in which takes the form of imperialism, hypocrisy, ambiguity, and moral confusion. In which case proves my theory people are inherently good, but become corrupted by society and other outside forces. You can fallow Marlow in the novella in how he is forced to align himself with either the hypocritical and malicious colonial bureaucracy or the malevolent Kurtz. This will assure the reasons why the nature of good and evil is one of humanities never ending conflicts.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Observation Of A Court Visit

Observation Of A Court Visit On 8th December 2009, I went to visit the Stratford Magistrate Court with few friends for a trial at 10. As I entered the court I was checked for security reasons and also had a bag check. I have visited this court before with a class when I used to be at college so I was familiar with the surrounding. It was on an opening day when I last visited and the court gave the whole class a tour around but however, I did not watch a trial. This was my first time to observe a trial, which I was looking really forward to. At the reception, we approached a lady who told us there is a case with police evidence in Court 5 so we decided to wait for this case as it grabbed our attention. However, the trail was supposed to start at 10 am and it had delayed up to an hour. We were waiting at the waiting room for the trail to start and few people were waiting for their trails with their representations. A number of police officers were there sitting around waiting to give evidence. I was getting really impatient to why the trail hasnt begun yet and looked at the notice board to see the parties name and it was written Syed Ali from Bethnal Green. I came back and sat down and in front of me, I could see a guy looking really tensed and walking around. My friends and I thought this could be the defendant to whose trial we will be observing. Finally, someone came out of the court 5 and called out for Syed Ali and the defendant who was at the waiting room we believed would be Syed Ali entered the court and we followed him into the public viewing section. When we entered, we sat down and then the magistrates entered and everyone stood up and sat back down. The trail of Syed Ali was short, the magistrates didnt explain what the offences were as they have read it and told Syed he had to pay a fine of 100 pound and the charges against him would be dropped. He was bound to keep peace for 6 months to which he had agreed after this the court was dismissed and the prosecution lawyer came out and told the police officer he had got a fine. I was wondering how come the police did not give any evidence as we were told. When I observed the five minute trial, I was not satisfied and wanted to watch a trial which is more in depth and has a lot of legal issues attached to it. The case of Syed Ali did not expand in details and the court did not mention what the offences were which made it hard to understand the overall case. This case was very hard to understand when no legal issues were raised by the court and it was very simplistic. So we went back to the reception and informed the lady that it was a very brief trail and wanted to see another one. She took us to Court 3, where the trail was already in progress and told us to go in quietly. The parties of this case are Mahmood and Hassan vs. Koppech. As soon as I entered there were more people involved in this case and as I sat down a police officer named Pc Merit was giving evidence and was talking about the incident. I was observing but I didnt quite understand the facts of the case as I just entered. The police immediately was told to leave and to call for another police officer who was involved. In the court the three magistrates were at the bench and the clerk in front with both the prosecution and the defence lawyers facing the bench. On the right, inside the box there were the defendants who were Asian males sitting with the interpreter. I recognised them from the waiting room. The victim was a white male sitting with a lady right in front of us. The Police officer enters for whom the court was waiting for. He walks to the witness box and reads out the oath and has some evidence in his hand and introduces himself to the court. His name is Pc Harris and that he works at the Forest Gate Police station. The Prosecution lawyer stands up and starts to ask the officer some questions related to the incident and what actually happened. The Officer starts off by explaining to the court how the white male was in the pavement in Essex road on Friday 10th October at 6.00pm. The defendant, Koppech was at a boxing stunt image and the two defendants, Mahmood and Hassan had also ripped his t-shirt off and thrown paints on it. They were fighting with each other and then the two defendants went to a fully loaded skip where they picked up planks of wood and one of them had a nail on it and then they surrounded the white male at a 45 degree angle. Then at this particular moment the police described how he and his colleague came out of the vehicl e and shouted out police get down repeatedly. The Police also stated that the defendants complied with the instructions straight away. The prosecution lawyer also asked what the police thought would have happened if the police didnt approach at this particular time. The police replied that he believed the white male would have been in a bad state with bruises and attacked brutally, he showed the two pieces of wood to the court as evidence. The Police also had the T-shirt and jacket of the white male and showed the court how it was ripped apart and had paints and mud on it. The defence lawyer stood up and started asking the police if he believed that the defendants had the woods on their hand as a self defence and the police replied no comments. The police rounded the incident off by saying that he had escorted the other officer and white male and arrested the defendants and reported them in the Plaistow police station. During the hearing of the case, someone stood up and said other cases are to be looked at and see if any cases should be considered or applied before giving a verdict on this case. The magistrates decided to put the defendants and the white male on bail until the next hearing. As I walked out of the court room, the defendants and the victim were walking out as well. I looked at the notice board for this case as I did not get a chance before and I realised what the lady meant when she mentioned about other cases. I could see a list of other cases all at the same time, which meant that various other cases where linked to this case. When I stepped in to the waiting room, I could see the victim and the defendants sitting next to each other at the waiting room although the court warned that they should stay away from each other. I found it quite strange how the two parties were next to each other. In a case like this normally a fight would kick in but these people were behaving as if they didnt know each other but however, they were just staring at each other. Both Court rooms I attended was very small and it did not have much space for public sitting and it contained three justices of peace but however, the waiting room was quite big with few benches where many people were sitting down on and some of the people seemed really tensed, which showed that they were here for a trial but not everyone was formally dressed and I assumed the ones with a casual look were here for other reasons but that wasnt entirely true. As this was a very small court, there wasnt really serious cases heard in this magistrate court and someone told me that if I wanted to hear a more dramatic case I should attend a hearing at the Thames Magistrate Court situated in Bow, where more action is likely to take place and it is not very far to get to. The Court being small does have an effect on its proceedings as they dont have really serious cases heard and I could see that some of the youths who came for the trial were dressed casually, which shows how serious people were about going for a trial. My first impression of the court was that it was not organised as I had thought it would have been. They havent followed the timetable, which was set by the court itself. It just gave the impression of how laid back the court was, which led to many people waiting for the trial to start. I could see a lot of intense on peoples face and people were feeling really agitated. The court was very busy as people were walking around the aisle, which is also the place to wait for the trail. It wasnt as noisy as I had expected to be with the number of people but people were quiet and anxious for the proceeding to go ahead. Overall the Magistrates court solves criminal cases by the people who have no expert knowledge on law, which shows that justice is more likely to take place as it is unlikely to be biased as these people are not professionals but are normal people just like the members of the public. This relates to the English Legal System as the Magistrates Court is where the criminal cases are first heard and if any of the parties are not satisfied with the verdict then they can appeal to the Court of Appeal or have their case heard at the Crown Court. Magistrates court is where 95% of criminal cases are dealt with. The court plays a huge role in the English legal system, firstly, vast majority of criminal cases in the English legal system are heard by the magistrates. The lay magistrates have the authority to give sentence up to 6 months or a 5,000 pound fine. This lets the higher courts to focus on more serious cases. The magistrates court helps the legal system to work faster as it is easier for a trial to take place in a magistrates court then it is to a crown court and the cost of a magistrates court is less expensive than a crown court, which helps the cases to reach a quicker verdict. Total number of words: 1,781

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Mark Twain :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Samuel Clemens was born and grew up in Hannibal, Missouri. This was the home of his later characters Tom Sawer and Huck Finn. In these books he incorporated such features that really existed in Hannibal; features such as Holidays Hill, Bear Creek and Lover’s Leap. Clemens described the residents of Hannibal as happy and content with the lives they led in their small town.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In his late teens, Clemens left Hannibal on a riverboat to become a printer in St. Louis. He moved up in the ranks of printing and moved to New York and eventually to Washington D.C. Clemens remembered how much fun he had had on the riverboat and how glorious it must have been to be a pilot. He soon decided to move to New Orleans to become a pilot. On the boat, he often heard things like ‘Mark the twain, two fathoms deep’. He liked how the words â€Å"Mark Twain† sounded and in one of his first books, ‘Life on the Mississippi’ about his four years piloting the Spread Eagle along the twisting river, he decided to use the name Mark Twain.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Mark Twain stopped piloting the riverboat in 1861, at the start of the Civil War, to join the Union. He went to war for two weeks and left immediately after being involved in the shooting of a civilian. He said he knew retreating better than it’s inventor did.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  He soon decided to travel 1,700 miles from the Missouri Territory , to the Nevada Territory. He passed through Overland City, Horseshoe City, and many large and small cities in between.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Clemens commented that Salt Lake City was healthy. He said that the city had one doctor who was arrested once a week for lack of work. Virginia City was very lively from all of the gold and silver found near. He commented that the saloons, courts and prisons were busy and there was a whiskey mill every fifteen steps.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Inspired by the vein of silver as wide as a New York City street under Virginia City, Twain decided to go prospecting. Many people went prospecting crazy but Twain thought it must have skipped over him. After not finding any silver, he wrote a book called Roughing It.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Clemens soon went to San Francisco and took a job at the San Francisco Times. From them he got the title of â€Å"The Most Wild Humorist of the Pacific Slope†.

Friday, October 11, 2019

In what ways has Surrealism influenced fashion

In what ways has Surrealism influenced fashion, and how successful are the results? You will need to include discussion of two examples. By likeability 1. What is surrealism? â€Å"Surrealism is destructive, but it destroys only what it considers to be shackles limiting our vision. † Young Night Thoughts are surrealist from cover to cover. Unfortunately, it is a priest who speaks; a bad priest, to be sure, yet a priest. Heraclites is surrealist in dialectic. Lully is surrealist in definition. Flame is surrealist in the night of gold. Swift is surrealist in malice. Shade is surrealist in sadism. Carrier is surrealist in drowning.Monk Lewis is surrealist in the beauty of evil. Chin von Arming is surrealist absolutely; in space and time Rabble is surrealist in death. Baudelaire is surrealist in morals. Rumbaed is surrealist in life and elsewhere. Harvey Saint-Deny is surrealist in the directed dream. Carroll is surrealist in nonsense. Husband is surrealist in pessimism. Serrate i s surrealist in design. Picasso is surrealist in cubism. Bach © is surrealist in me. Rousseau is surrealist in anecdote (And © Breton, 1934, A lecture given in Brussels on 1st June 1934 at a public meeting regained by the Belgian Surrealists, http://home. Lb. AC. UK) â€Å"Surrealism is based on the belief in the superior reality of certain forms of previously neglected association, in the omnipotence of dream, in the disinterested play of thought. † -Andre Breton In the sass, the world was going through one of its ‘all time IoW phases. There was war, or worse, the fear of war, the artists who had been scattered as the result, (who were earlier based in Paris of other cities) became of the mindset that it was the overly rational thinking, the so called ‘high rationale' of human mind that had brought upon this war.This resulted in an inspired thought that led to a revolution. Thus the idea to follow the unconscious mind arrived, no matter how bizarre its ideas may seem. ‘The word Surrealism was invented in 1917 by Gallinule Billionaire, and adopted by fellow French poet, And © Breton, in 1924 to describe a radical movement of artists and writers, who drew on their subconscious to depict a heightened or â€Å"super-real† vision of the world. (The Surrealist comeback in design, Alice Rawson, The New York times, March 25, 2007) Perhaps this is a little hard to understand, but one of the best examples to describe owe a surrealist thinks is a Salvador Dali quote; when asked â€Å"do you take drugs†, he answered, to the interviewer's bewilderment, â€Å"l do not take drugs. I am drugs. † The man who commercialese the surreal – Salvador Dali Salvador Dali needs no introduction to anyone who has even remotely studied art. Not only was Dali a tremendously gifted painter, but also a designer, photographer, thinker and an extraordinary witty writer.His autobiography ‘The secret life of Salvador Dali' gives a very good insight into his thought process and his ideas. He was one of the first artists who brought the idea of surrealism from paper (And © Breton was a poet) to the visual arts, thus making it commercial and marketable. According to many, the idea of making surrealist art commercial was against the idea of surrealism. But as the history goes, the artists who had surrealist themes were very successful in the later sass's.The surrealist ideas were incorporated into fashion when Salvador Dali famously collaborated with the Italian designer Else Capillaries. The collection consisted of Lobster Dress – Lobster Dress was a simple white silk evening dress with a crimson waistband featuring a large lobster painted (by Dali) onto the skirt. Ђ Tears Dress – The Tears Dress, a slender pale blue evening gown printed with a Dali design of tromped Leila rips and tears, worn with a thigh-length veil with â€Å"real† tears carefully cut out and lined in pink and mage nta. Ђ Skeleton dress – skeleton dress was a stark black crepe dress which used transport quilting to create padded ribs, spine, and leg bones. Shoe hat – the shoe hats were a particular sensation, hats that were the underside of heels on the top. Before Salvador Dali, many artists had already put forward surrealist works, and though not many are worthy of being mentioned in the name breath as Dali, some of the noticeable ones are – Giorgio De Chorizo (1888-1978) Chorizo's early paintings were perhaps a vital key in the development of the surrealist style of painting.Characterized by images of empty town squares, suspended corridors and macabre ghost town like depictions of streets and town squares looked like his imagination of a post war era and were full of a sort of haunting loneliness and grim. Cluttered with puzzling objects, such as clocks, giant statues and distant trains, and often featuring deep, dramatic perspectives, De Chorizo's paintings left a n indelible mark on Breton and numerous other future Surrealists.Among his works from this early Metaphysical period are The Enigma of the Arrival and the Afternoon (1912), The Anxious Journey (1913), The Nostalgia of the Infinite (1913), Mystery and Melancholy of a Street (1914) and The Child's Brain (1914). By the time of the first Manifesto of Surrealism, De Chorizo had moved on to a far more classical approach, much to the chagrin of Breton. He participated in Surrealist activities up to 1925, contributing to the periodicals Lilt ©return and La R ©volition Sour ©aliases, as well as eater writing a Surrealist novel Hobbyhorses in 1929.Rene © Francis Emigrate Some people say that it was the haunting memory of his mother who committed suicide when he was 14 years old. It is said that he witnessed her face covered by her dress as she was pulled out of the water (she committed suicide by throwing herself in a nearby river) the haunting symbolism remained an inspiration for hi m, even for his famous work Less Aments. Let us come back to the point in history when the surrealist movement that And © Breton had started as a rebellion for poets had captured the minds of designers and as successfully incorporated into fashion by a crazy Spaniard.After the collaboration of Dali and Capillaries, many designers tried surrealism as a theme but only a few were successful as a whole. Fashion and surrealism The fashion object could be a most powerful force in the simultaneous deconstruction of the figure and remembrance of its presence that inevitably dwells in the garment. Just as music could be envisioned as both an abstract form and physical presence, so too the biomorphic abstractions that characterize much Surrealist art found their way into the free forms of dress and the definition of the unman being as an abstract flow among units of the body.The creation of illusion gives to clothing the enough implications of narrative and mystery to occur as a function of dress. According to the influential Surrealist gallery owner Julia Levi, Else Capillaries was the only fashion designer to interpret Surrealism successfully. From the starting of her Paris shop to its closing, Capillaries reconciled fashion an art, by interpreting the modern aesthetic and then Joining forces with artists who were at the time highly forward in their time. Such out of such her collaboration with Salvador Dali is a reorient one.To be dressed by Capillaries was to acquire confidence and chic, whether one was beautiful or not. Schizophrenia's fashion philosophy was grounded in classical mythology, particularly Ovid and the Pygmalion myth, and its stories of magical transformation and metamorphosis, themes also explored by the Surrealists. Her fashion was not only surreal and unique but also easy to wear and very feasible. Because she was able to make this transition and bring the surreal in the real world not only in theory but also in clothes that could be work in a ca sual manner along tit a style statement that associated a person with the surreal movement.It is not a less known fact that she inspired one of the leading fashion designers of our time, the late Lee Alexander Macaque who had a travel case or Luggage in his shop that was visibly inspired from Schizophrenia's skeleton dress. In the sass's, transformation was symbolized by the butterfly. Schizophrenia's collection of the 1938 Exposition International du Surrealism, and it included two of her most notable collaborations with Dali, the Skeleton Dress and the Tear-Illusion Dress. Dali andCapillaries collaborated again in 1937 on the Lobster Dress, which simplicity of the white dress is belied by the erotically charged placement of the lobster on the front of the skirt, a symbolism possibly lost on the wearer. Images relating to the fashion industry, such as sewing machines, irons, dressmaker forms and mannequins, played a leading role in the surrealist theatre. During the sass Surrealism helped to liberate fashion form more dressmaking and realize the dream of the marvelous. In the words of American Fashion Historian Richard Martin, â€Å"Surrealism remains fashion's favorite art†. Surreal thing†, Glassine Wood, 2007). ‘Some of the latest manifestations of Surrealism are screamingly commercial. Take the tromped O'Dell hoarding at 39 Avenue George V in Paris, where a construction site is padded by an eerily realistic image of a Serialized 19th-century apartment building whose structure ripples like water. Or the tops-truly boutique of the Dutch fashion designers Victor & Roll on Via Sandpapered in Milan, which is literally built upside down, with a â€Å"floor† that looks like the ceiling, and vice versa.You can also spot Surrealism's influence in more thoughtful design projects, like the provocative, lightly sinister work of the young product designers, such as the Swedish group, Front, and Dutch duo, Studio Job. Oscillating from Serialize d commercialism to a considered reinterpretation of the original Surrealist spirit reflects the central theme of the V&A show. It examines the ambiguity of Surrealism's relationship with commerce, and the tensions that developed during its transition from an avian garden art movement in the sass to a commercial design style from the sass. (The Surrealist comeback in design, Alice Rawson,2007) But the question remains is surrealism successful in fashion industry? Let us take the example of the late Lee Alexander Macaque. His work would probably one of the best examples of surrealism in fashion that was widely popular in the last few years and arguably still is. Macaque, famous for collaborating with Lady Gaga had once quoted that she was his unofficial muse. Lady Gaga officially unveiled her ‘Bad Romance' single at Alexander Unseen's Spring/Summer 2010 runway show during Paris Fashion Week.Although Gaga wasn't in attendance, her presence was certainly felt as her hit song strea med over the speakers during the encore of all the looks that Macaque had showed off. But was Lady Gaga the first surrealist design wearing pop icon? No. At the presentation of a new surreal collection of designer Jean-Paul Guiltier dean Paul Guiltier) gathered all the secular Paris, as well as fans of millionaire-style Guthrie from around the world. At the show in the front row along with influential politicians, financiers and other celebrities turned out to be only one woman – Madonna.Madonna and Jean-Paul Guiltier share the same relationship Lady Gaga did with Macaque since before Lady gaga was even playing the piano and scaring her babysitters by turning up naked before them. Macaque owned the brand Alexander Macaque which was later bought by Gucci, with Macaque serving as a creative director. The same collection was also famous for models with bizarre make up and surreal outfits. This show was so successful that it crashed the networks servers. This could be called one of the greatest achievements in surrealist fashion by a designer.Perhaps the most famous of his famous surrealist works are his signature high heels. Macaque, 40 at the time of his death can be labeled the most famous and the best example of designers inspired by surrealism in their work. Viviane Westwood Dame Viviane Westwood popularity constantly gains momentum. Her punk attitude is more alive in the Naughtiest than ever and her outspoken, Union Jack waving Englishmen (with a few added safety pins and tea stains), is undiminished. It is fitting that the Establishment has recognized her work by making her a Dame.Viviane Westwood – fashion's older stateswoman that many wish to emulate, with her younger husband Andrea Chronicler and energy for shaking things up whilst keeping her feet on the ground – seems to only recruit admirers. Cutting edge but lassie, she is unflinchingly rooted in what matters, whether it is human rights or classical fiction. No trendy noise for h er, Just cleavage, mischief, and CAPITAL LETTER MESSAGES such as sass's â€Å"l AM NOT A TERRORIST, please don't arrest me baby -r- shirts. Her first catwalk show was presented in 1981, featuring the collaboration of Westwood and McAllen. The theme that year was Pirates.Subsequent Westwood theme titles in the early years included Savage (1982), Buffalo Girls (Autumn/Winter 1982-83) and Clint Eastward, (Autumn-Winter 1984-85) under the Worlds Ends Label he stopped producing the line in 1985 to concentrate on her Viviane Westwood Lines. Viviane Westwood says (â€Å"Sometimes you need to transport your idea to an empty landscape and then populate it with fantastic looking people. â€Å"). She dubbed the period 1981 to 1985 New romantic and 1988-1991 â€Å"The Pagan Years† during which â€Å"Viennese heroes changed from punks and ragamuffins to ‘Taller' girls wearing clothes that parodied the upper class. The period from 1993 to 1999 she called â€Å"Megalomania† and from 2000 to the present – â€Å"Exploration† (vogue, 2007) Viviane Westwood has always been a fan of surrealist work and is herself a punk. It is also a known fact that her ex husband was the manager of the sex pistols and they were also associated with surrealism in music. The future of surrealism in fashion – upcoming designers such as Yang Du Surrealist fashion designer Yang Du established her brand Yang Du in London in 09 after studying in the central Saint Martin's College of art and design, and working for designers such as Viviane Westwood, John Gilligan, and Giles Deacon.It is evident in her work that she is a former artist and a fan of surrealism and impressionism. Her work is ultra hip, very colorful and can be seen as a mix of post modern and impressionist. She is especially fond of animal prints, painting animal faces on dresses, and using models with vivid makeup although a notch less vivid than Alexander Macaque. Unlike most surrealists Yang Dud's inspirations are less controversial. She stated that she gets her inspirations from her travels. These have included India and Ecuador.Her latest design includes a cactus hat that has actual spines in the top. In the new winter collection, the colors were pastel with animal prints along the dress line. When asked about her design ideology in an interview, she said â€Å"My ideology†¦ I am ere open-minded to new things, and mostly, look at things from a very different angle. I often go on trips, where I take lots of photos and meet lots of people. When I come back to London, I always have so much in my mind, some of them like stories which I really want to share through the clothes I design. (Amelia's magazine, 2009) Surrealism in fashion photography Although surrealism is apparent in fashion, it is even more so in fashion photography. It would be almost worthless for a designer to create a design which looked surreal if the photographer couldn't capture the thought of th e designer. Fashion photography thus can be called as a way to express surrealism in fashion. Also fashion photography can be used to make a normal collection surreal. One of the author's best photographers is Toshiba Canoe who in her career (1950-1960) made hundreds of collages, and quit the profession after married.Her photography is inspired by surrealist painters such as Giorgio De Chorizo, Max Ernst, Joan Mir ¶, and Francis Pica. It is apparent that she did all her work from an out of the world prospective which is one of the reasons that her pictures though surreal look very believable, and honest. Some of her famous works are the horse and the bride in the sea and the bride on the door. Conclusion The surrealist movement changed many aspects of art. No other visual art was the same after the surrealist movement.Surrealism is that form of art which believes in anything that the subconscious mind can conjure up. It is the way of life for great minds like Salvador Dali who dre amed more than they breathed. In the fashion industry, it was a huge step when Salvador Dali collaborated with Capillaries not only because it lead to two of the most talented minds of the generation to come soother, but also because it opened the door for surrealist art to come in the field of fashion and blossom.And so it did. The careers of Alexander Macaque and Viviane Westwood are a testimony to this fact. And as for the future, the designers like Yang Du are taking forward the legacy and continue to inspire the people with their surreal work that one knows to be untrue but is still forced to think twice. And that is the beauty of the surreal art. It may be argued that the surreal art like most others will one day be obsolete and out of fashion but it is also ever changing.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Use of Acetazolamide in conjunction with Pilocarpine for the treatment of acute closed angle glaucoma in the elderly patient

Glaucoma has been reported as one of the main reasons for causing blindness all over the world. There are different types of glaucoma that is known. Fifty percent of Glaucoma cases are closed-angle glaucoma which usually affects Asians (â€Å"Glaucoma†, 2007).Many treatment methods are utilized in treating glaucoma. One method is the use of drugs. Different drugs have different effect and each have their own unique benefits. There are also known side effects brought about by use of prescribed drugs. However, combination of drugs has been also prescribed to patients but this should be done with regular consultation with the patient’s physician.Two commonly prescribed drugs used in treating closed-angle glaucoma are Acetazolamide and Pilocarpine. Normally they are used singly and separately. This paper intends to show the effect of these two drugs when used in combination during the treatment process.Since the elderly comprises a large percentage of glaucoma patients, thi s paper intends to show the effects of the combined use of these drugs specifically on the elderly patients.Acute Closed Angle GlaucomaGlaucoma is a type of an eye disease which is caused by the increasing intraocular pressure or fluid pressure that may end into the malfunctioning of the drainage system or structures of the eye and lesser visual acuity. Glaucoma has different types. The first and most common is the open angle glaucoma (â€Å"Glaucoma†, 2007). Another type which is very rare is the congenital glaucoma (â€Å"Glaucoma†, 2007). It is mostly seen in newborns and this type requires surgery.Another one is the acute angle closure or the acute closed angle glaucoma (â€Å"Glaucoma†, 2007). This type of eye disease occurs abruptly and also to those people that have an eye condition called farsightedness (â€Å"Glaucoma†, 2007). This eye condition is also irreversible. In some cases, closed angle glaucoma manifests some symptoms like: a) headache; b) glare and light sensitivity; c) sudden decrease of vision; d) nausea and vomiting; and e) extreme eye pain.The following symptoms are also used to categorize the closed angle glaucoma from the other types of glaucoma. The prevalence is more on females than in males. Other possible cause of closed angle glaucoma includes intake of specific anti seizure medicines, antihistamines, asthma medications, and antidepressants; darkness and emotional stress.AcetazolamideThere are several methods use to treat closed angle glaucoma. Physicians usually use acetazolamide for the initial interference(Darkeh & Silverberg, 2006). Acetazolamide is a carbonic anhydrase inhibitor. Their brand names are Diamox and Sequels.   The chemical content of acetazolamide which is the carbonic anhydrase works for the breakdown and production of carbon acid and also for the inhibition of the production of bicarbonate (â€Å"Acetazolamide†, 2004). Bicarbonate is an important substance needed for the pro duction of fluids in the eye (â€Å"Acetazolamide†, 2004).Therefore, intake of acetazolamide will lessen the bicarbonate production which also reflects with the decrease in the amount of fluid in the back of the eye. When it happens, the intraocular pressure in the eye will be lessened.The drug will take effect within an hour and last for 12 hours but the peak of this drug is on its 4th hour (Darkeh & Silverberg, 2006). This drug is not prescribed for long term medication because if acetazolamide is taken for a long time, it will manifest more side effects.

Virgin Mobile Usa Analysis

Virgin Mobile USA Analysis [pic] August 08, 2009 Table of Contents Table of Contents2 Introduction3 Internal Factor Evaluation (IFE Matrix)4 External Factor Evaluation (EFE Matrix)5 Porter’s Five Forces6 Porters Generic Forces6 Financial Analysis7 Competitive Profile Matrix8 The Marketing Mix-The 5 P's9 Key Issues10 Boston Consulting Group (BCG Matrix)11 GE / McKinsey Matrix12 Space Matrix14 Recommendations16 Introduction Virgin Mobile is a great company that has been successful based in the U. K. The company is well known for its brand extension and was the first company to introduce the Mobile Virtual Network Operator (MVNO) in the U. K. , where they leased network space form another firm instead of running a network in-house and as a result avoiding infrastructure and large fixed cost. The company was well known for its hip and trendy position in the U. K. , and catered to the youth market. Although they have had a couple failures in the past including launching the MVNO in Singapore, the company decided to venture into the U. S. Virgin Mobile positions itself to come up with an appealing offer and ensure a run rate of one million subscribers in the first year and three million by the fourth year. Keeping with the brand strategy and philosophy of making a difference, it enters areas, which are not well served which in this case is the age group of 15-29 due to their low frequency of usage and poor credit rating. While targeting this segment lifestyle and psychographics factors are important as usage is inconsistent, and based on school and, vacation periods. Virgin customers are attracted to the products and services because of the flexible monthly terms, easy to understand pricing structures, stylish handsets offered at affordable prices and relevant mobile data and entertainment content. Virgin offers products and services on a flat per-minute basis and on a monthly basis for specified quantities, or â€Å"buckets†, of minutes purchased in advance in each case, without requiring customers to enter into long-term contracts or commitments (Virgin Mobile USA). Internal Factor Evaluation (IFE Matrix) Internal Factor Evaluation | |Matrix (IFE Matrix) | |CRITICAL SUCCESS FACTORS |Weight |Rating |Weighted Score | |What are those factors in the internal environment which are critical to the future success of the |Relative |How well has the firm, | ; 2. 50 = the firm and | |organization? Importance of that|or its strategies, |its strategies are not | |Does management have control over them? (The answer should be yes) |factor in the |res ponded to the |capitalizing on | | |firm's industry |factor? |opportunities or avoiding| | |0=Not Important; |1 = poor response |threats. | | |1=Very Important |2 = average response |> 2. 0 = the firm, and/or| | |or Critical |3 = above average |its strategies, is/are | | | |response |responding well to | | | |4 = superior response |threats and opportunities| | | | |in its industry. |STRENGTHS |   |   |   | |Virgin brand name [Globally recognized brand name] |0. 25 |4 |1 | |Competitive Price of Phone Package |0. 03 |2 |0. 06 | |On-line Store 24/7 |0. 2 |2 |0. 04 | |Excellent Sales Promotions |0. 1 |3 |0. 3 | |Pro-active and quick to act |0. 12 |3 |0. 36 | |Friendly staff – Good at understanding and meeting customer needs |0. 04 |3 |0. 2 | |Targeting a narrow target market [less advertising costs] |0. 02 |4 |0. 08 | |50-50 joint venture with Sprint no worry for fixed costs or physical structure |0. 1 |4 |0. 4 | |An exclusive multiyear content and marketing agreement with MTV networks to deliver music, games and|0. 05 |4 |0. | |other MTV-, VH1-, and Nickelodeon based content to Virgin Mobile subscribers | | | | |Unique mobile features and extras |0. 02 |3 |0. 06 | |Channel strategy that is more closely aligned to its target market selection. |0. 02 |3 |0. 06 | |Unique image youth oriented other providers focus on business people. 0. 02 |3 |0. 06 | |Unique advertising strategy |0. 02 |4 |0. 08 | |WEAKNESSES |   |   |   | |Limited [Low] advertising budget |0. 3 |4 |0. 52 | |No contract option means that there is a chance of having higher churn rates. |0. 01 |3 |0. 03 | |New Foreign Brand associated with Music/Travel |0. 01 |2 |0. 02 | |CBD Location is busy/inconvenient for Suburb Customers |0. 02 |1 |0. 2 | |Mobile Coverage |0. 01 |1 |0. 01 | |Separate Billing/Account information (More Direct Mail) |0. 01 |2 |0. 02 | |Total |1 |   |3. 44 | |   |   |   |3. 4 > 2. 5 | Virgin Mobile exhibited internal weaknesses and strengths wit hin its environment rated above weighted score of 3. 44 on a scale of 1 to 4. This can be attributed to the good leadership that includes friendly staff, the market niche that is image youth oriented, unique advertising strategy, channel strategy on the other hand limited advertising budget, potential higher churn rates and poor mobile coverage expose Virgin Mobile’s weaknesses that must be addressed. External Factor Evaluation (EFE Matrix) |External Factor Evaluation |Matrix (EFE Matrix) | |CRITICAL SUCCESS FACTORS |Weight |Rating |Weighted Score | |What are those factors in the internal environment which are critical to the future success of|Relative Importance of|How well has the firm, or| < 2. 50 = the firm and its| |the organization? |that factor in the |its strategies, responded|strategies are not | |Does management have control over them? The answer should be no) |firm's industry |to the factor? |capitalizing on | | |0=Not Important; |1 = poor response |opportunities or avoiding | | |1=Very Important or |2 = average response |threats. | | |Critical |3 = above average |; 2. 0 = the firm, and/or | | | |response |its strategies, is/are | | | |4 = superior response |responding well to threats| | | | |and opportunities in its | | | | |industry. |OPPORTUNITIES |   |   |   | |Penetration among consumers 15-29 is significantly lower and the growth rate among this |0. 12 |4 |0. 8 | |demographic is projected to be robust in the next 5 years [this segment hasn’t been targeted | | | | |yet] | | | | |Revenue for mobile entertainment projected to increase steadily over the next few years. |0. 1 |4 |0. | |Open more Virgin Mobile Stores across Capital Cities/Regional Markets |0. 05 |3 |0. 15 | |Integrate into Music/Travel packages |0. 25 |4 |1 | |Wider Mobile Phone Coverage-National & International |0. 1 |3 |0. | |THREATS |   |   |   | |Market seems to have reached maturity |0. 14 |3 |0. 42 | |Market is overcrowded |0. 15 |2 |0. 3 | |Customers ages 15-29 are low value subscribers [don’t use their cell phone regularly] |0. 3 |2 |0. 06 | |Limited National Coverage |0. 01 |2 |0. 02 | |The age group targeted tends to have poor credit quality |0. 03 |3 |0. 09 | |Competition from A T & T, T-Mobile USA, Cellco and Verizon etc |0. 02 |2 |0. 4 | |Total |1 |   |3. 26 | |   |   |   |3. 26 ; 2. 5 | Virgin Mobile’s response to external opportunities and threats within its environment is rated above weighted score of 3. 26 on a scale of 1 to 4. There are wide opportunities for Virgin Mobile to open more Virgin Mobile Stores across Capital Cities/Regional Markets. Make the offers more attractive by Integrating Music/Travel packages. Provide wider Mobile Phone coverage-National & International. On the other hand there are threats that are looming due to the market that seems to have reached maturity and overcrowded. There is limited National coverage which needs to be expanded. There is also Competition from A T & T, T-Mobile USA, Cellco and Verizon etc. These threats must be countered effectively. Porter’s Five Forces Supplier power (Weak) – Lots of cell phone providers, therefore companies like Kyocera lower prices to contract with service providers. Buyer power (Strong) Current cell phone service providers are numerous, which allows for many options for buyers. Barriers to Entry (Weak) – There is nothing that will prevent Virgin from competing to an untapped market. The threat of substitutes (Weak) – There are very few substitutes available that offer mobile and immediate communication. Alternative like pagers are outdated & this target market cannot afford sophisticated PDA service. Degree of Rivalry (Strong) – Competitors have brand recognition in the US and have the majority of the market share. Porters Generic Forces Virgin Mobile applies the three generic strategies. Cost leadership strategy that seeks to minimize costs and maximize profits. For example the company had entered into distribution agreements with Target and Best Buy, both of which charged lower commissions than traditional industry channels $30 per phone, versus an industry average of $100. 6. They also sought to hire talented staff that is friendly and good at understanding and meeting customer needs. In terms of differentiation, the team decided that a key part of the Virgin Mobile service would involve the delivery of content, features, and entertainment, which they called â€Å"VirginXtras. To this end, the company signed an exclusive, multiyear content and marketing agreement with MTV networks to deliver music, games, and other MTV-, VH1-, and Nickelodeon based content to Virgin Mobile subscribers. Therefore Virgin Mobile focuses on unique image that is youth oriented while other providers focus on business people. Virgin Mobile also differentiated it’s service by good customer care. There are advantages and risks exhibited with each strategic option. Virgin Mobile’s opportunities in this market were based on determining the unmet needs and creating new ways or means for satisfying these unmet needs. And it had to be based on buyer types, buyers’ needs and the technological means of satisfying those needs. Virgin Mobile used a more concentrated approached; they identified buyers’ needs by focusing on the age group 15 to 29 with specifically those with no credit and may not have usage or a lot of minutes; The Company put an emphasis on usage of minutes, style, fashion, fun, honesty and great value for money. This segment represented a possible opportunities for market penetration. It identified two attitudinal and lifestyle markets in their chosen segment; those that had no credit and wanted a phone with no contracts but can indulge in text messaging, downloading information into the cell phone and they were more likely to use ring tones, faceplates and graphic and those that wanted a phone as a fashion statement. Even people with similar usage needs, often have differing lifestyles representing various value sets. For example some people have an active lifestyle in which sports and fitness play an important role, while for others, art, fashion and trends may be very important. Financial Analysis Virgin Mobile USA, Inc. Key numbers for fiscal year ending December, 2008: Sales: $1,323. 5M One year growth: 0. 8% Net income: $7. 9M Income growth: 88. 4% AT Mobility Key numbers for fiscal year ending December, 2008: Sales: $124,028. 0M One year growth: 4. 3% Net income: $12,867. 0M Income growth: 7. 7% Cellco Key numbers for fiscal year ending December, 2007: Sales: $43,900. 0M One year growth: 15. 5% T-Mobile USA Key numbers for fiscal year ending December, 2008: Sales: $1,323. 5M One year growth: 0. 8% Net income: $7. 9M Income growth: 88. 4% Verizon Key numbers for fiscal year ending December, 2008: Sales: $97,354. M One year growth: 4. 2% Net income: $6,428. 0M Income growth: 13. 7% Reference: http://www. hoovers. com/virgin-mobile-usa/–ID__156760–/free-co-competitors. xhtml The main competitors are AT&T, Cello, T-Mobile USA and Verizon. Initially, Virgin may have no great profits since they are trying to be the low cost provider. Although they were profitable i n the UK, they have no brand recognition in the US to fall back on. Based data, Virgin Mobile is able to compete effectively with their major competitors as far as sales are concerned. They are also able to do this will less employees, meaning low operating cost. The company’s ability to compete effectively gives a good indication on their ability to keep their current market share and expand operations into new target markets. Competitive Profile Matrix |Competitive Profile Analysis | |Competitive Profile Matrix | | |Virgin Mobile |AT & T |Cingular |Verizon |Sprint | |Critical Success factors |Weight |Rating |W. T. Score | |Overall Market Size |0. 20 |5 |1 | |Annual Market Growth Rate |0. 20 |5 |1 | |Sector Profitability |0. 12 |4 |0. 48 | |Competitive Intensity |0. 14 |1 |0. 4 | |Global Opportunities |0. 12 |4 |0. 48 | |Regulatory Regime |0. 05 |3 |0. 15 | |Opportunity to Differentiate |0. 04 |5 |0. 2 | |Technological Requirements |0. 5 |1 |0. 05 | |Entry Barriers |0. 02 |1 |0. 02 | |Distribution Structure |0. 06 |5 |0. 3 | |Total |1 |   |3. 82 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Business Unit Strength Factors |Factor Weighting |Business Unit Rating |Value | |Market Share |0. 2 |1 |0. 2 | |Share Growth |0. 2 |4 |0. | |Product Quality |0. 05 |2 |0. 1 | |Brand Reputation |0. 1 |1 |0. 1 | |Distribution Network |0. 31 |5 |1. 55 | |Promotional Effectiveness |0. 05 |5 |0. 25 | |Production Capacity |0. 2 |4 |0. 08 | |Cost Management |0. 01 |5 |0. 05 | |R Performance |0. 02 |5 |0. 1 | |Management |0. 04 |4 |0. 16 | |Total |1 |   |3. 39 | [pic] McKinsey model above shows us strong business attractiveness and that the business strength for Virgin Mobile is fairly low. The fact of the matter is that competition in the cellular phone business is strong with many competitors. Currently the top providers operate to benefit themselves and not the consumer with high prices and limited features for the money. Consumers have various choices as far as provider is concerned, but no company has differentiated themselves to benefit the consumer’s pocket. Virgin Mobile must strive to excel. Space Matrix Strategic Position & Action Evaluation [pic]    |   |   |   |   |   | |   |Internal Strategic Position |External Strategic Position | |   |Competitive Advantage |Industry Attractiveness | |   |Ratings |   |   |Ratings |   | | |(-6 worst, -1 Best) | | |(+1 worst, +6 Best) | | |   |-5 |Market share |   |5 |Market Growth potential | |   |-4 |Product quality |   |2 |Profit potential | |   |-3 |Produc t life cycle |   |4 |Financial stability | |   |-5 |Brand & Image |   |5 |Resource utilization | |   |-3 |Customer loyalty |   |2 |Capital intensity | |   |-3 |Technological know-how |   |2 |Barriers to entry | |  Total |-23 |   |  Ã‚  Total |20 |   | |Avg |   |AVG 3. 33|   | |-3. 83 | | | | |   |   |Total axis X score: |-0. 0 |   |   | |Financial Strength |Environmental Stability | |   |Ratings |   |   |Ratings |   | | |(+1 worst, +6 Best) | | |(-6 worst, -1 Best) | | |   |4 |ROI |   |-3 |Technological changes | |   |2 |Leverage |   |-5 |Demand Elasticity | |   |3 |Liquidity |   |-3 |Price range of competition | |   |3 |Capital required/available |   |-6 |Barriers to entry | |   |3 |Ease of market exit |   |-6 |Competitive pressure | |   |2 |Risk involved in business |   |-5 |Price elasticity | |  Ã‚  Total |16 |   |  Ã‚  Total |-28 |   | |Avg |   |Avg |   | |2. 67 | |-4. 67 | | |   |   |Total axi s Y score: |-2. 00 |   |   | With the given the Space Matrix data we realize that the company should pursue a defensive strategy. The implication is that the firm is operating within a market that is experiencing negative to stable growth and that Virgin Mobile is experiencing severe financial constraints. Virgin Mobile knows that the market is saturated and very competitive they went ahead and positioned themselves to pursue their niche in the market share. I recommend applying a combination of retrenchment, divestiture, liquidation and concentric diversification. Recommendations Virgin Mobile wants to compete within a new market and not have the competition beat them in this game. Several options as far as pricing were developed by the company. They can either clone existing prices, price below the competition, or create their own unique pricing strategy. Cloning the industry, will not allow them to differentiate themselves in order to stand out from the competition, although, it would be easy to promote. Pricing below the competition would still be copying the competitor’s strategy, but just offering a lower price. Their only differentiating factor would be that they were cheaper. I recommend a different strategy. Creating the new plan would bring about the changes that consumers want such as eliminating contracts, offering pre-paid services, lower priced phones, and eliminating hidden fees. Although this strategy could be risky, they will ultimately do what they set out do which was to gain the market share of the under-30 crowd. With the options that MTV, VH1 and Nickelodeon networks will offer, I believe consumers will see the added value in the product as opposed